Rise of the Strongest War God

Chapter 29 Monster [2]

29  Monster [2]

Luke stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at them.

"Oh, it's you guys." He faintly smiled. These five were the gatekeepers they met a while ago.

He then said, "Since you are already here, I won't have to go look for you to take my things back."

"You bastard! You dare kill our people." The short-haired man shouted.

Gripping the iron bar tightly in his hand, he ran toward Luke.

"Hm?" Luke's gaze focused on him. He seemed to have activated some skill as his body underwent some changes.

His muscles were bulging and adopted a stoney hue. His height had also seemed to have increased a little.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

As he ran toward him, the tiles inlaid in the floor broke with his every step. Not only that, his speed was also quite fast. It took him just a few seconds to reach Luke.


He raised the iron bar high in the air before smashing it at Luke's head with all his might.

Luke's expression was still calm.

Although the short-haired man seemed to have become a lot stronger after activating his transformation skill, he was still weaker than Luke, who was already level 6 and had all of his stats in 20s.

Luke stepped to the side, effortlessly dodging the attack before smashing his iron bar on the back of the short-haired man's head.


The sound of metal clashing against stone sounded out.

"Oh? Your skill is quite good." Luke let out a surprised exclamation. Although he hadn't used all of his strength into the strike just now, it should have been enough to blow his head apart.

He then smiled. "But it's not enough to save you."

Saying this, he raised the iron bar to strike again but,


The short-haired man, after standing still for a while, fell down on the ground.

Seeing this, Luke was taken aback. He then realized what had happened. Although this guy's spell had made his flesh and bones tougher, giving him higher physical defense, it couldn't completely negate the attack's impact.

The violent vibrations of the attack reached his mind, causing him to fall unconscious.

"This guy is strong. Be careful." The guy who had asked Luke and Lori to take off their vests earlier warned the other three when he saw how effortlessly Luke had handled the short-haired man.


He then brandished the sword in his hand and charged at him.

His speed was a lot faster than the short-haired man. Luke didn't even have enough time to finish the unconscious short-haired man and had to raise his iron rod to block the sword strike.


Sparks flew as the sword and iron rod collided. Just as Luke wanted to increase his strength and flung the sword wielder away,



Luke's iron rod was cut in half, and the sword continued to move toward his head.


Luke's eyes flashed. He bent his body backwards, evading the strike. At the same time, he smacked the sword wielder's wrist with the remaining half of the iron rod.



After the rod and the wrist collided, the sound of bones breaking followed. The sword wielder winced in pain, his facial muscles contorting, and his grasp on the sword loosened.


Luke snatched the sword from his hand. Then, twisting his body, he came behind him and slashed at his neck.


The sword cleanly cut through his neck, leaving only a thin, red line.

Step! Step! Step!

Due to the momentum, the sword wielder's body continued to move forward. After three steps, his vision became blurry, and he started losing consciousness.

"This…" A horrified expression appeared on his face when he touched his neck and felt the warm sensation. In the next instant, he everything became blank and his head rolled down forward while his dead body dropped to the ground.


It sounded long upon narration, but everything happened just in a few moments.

The remaining three who were charging toward Luke had horrified expressions on their faces. The short-haired man and the sword wielder were the strongest in their group. Together, they could easily handle a small horde of zombies.

However, when faced with this boy, they couldn't last more than a few seconds. One was struck unconscious, while the other was killed outright.

'We can't handle him.' This thought appeared in their mind at the same time.

"I-I'll go call for help." The guy farthest from Luke said in a quivering voice to the other two before turning around and running away.

'Fuck! That sly bastard!' The duo cursed in their mind. They were only 5 feet from Luke. Even if they wanted to run away now, he could easily stop them.

They clenched their teeth and tightened their grip on their weapons, ready to risk their lives.


Luke glanced at the guy running away and frowned.

'Well, I can't afford to alert them yet.' He thought and moved. The duo only saw a blur passing. In the next moment, they heard the mournful cry of the guy who had just run away.

As they turned their heads around and saw his head rolling on the ground, they felt chills run down their spine. The courage they had just gathered to fight vanished and their bodies started trembling in fear.

Just then, they saw Lori standing on the side and hope flashed in their eyes.

They exchanged a glanced and rushed toward Lori.

When Lori saw them run toward her, she knew what they wanted to do and tried to run, but how could she be faster than evolvers? They immediately captured her.

"You stop right there. Don't come near or we will kill her." They shouted at Luke. One of them placed his sword against her neck while the other one raised his wooden club, ready to smash her head if Luke came closer.

Luke, who had just killed the runner, frowned when he saw this scene, but a moment later, an amused smile appeared on his face and he slowly walked toward them.

Step! Step! Step!

The sound of his every step made the duo's heart beat faster and their expression paled.

"Y-You monster, stop right there. I'll kill her." The guy with the wooden club shouted in a trembling voice.


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